Episode 171: The Most Effective Ways to Prepare for an Unmedicated Birth

Hey Mamas!

In this episode, host Sarah Marie Bilger discusses the importance of preparing for an unmedicated birth. She emphasizes the need for intentional preparation, education, and support to empower mothers in making informed choices for their birth experience. Sarah shares valuable insights on assembling a supportive birth team, setting clear birth preferences, and engaging in both physical preparation and mental visualization. Her passion for assisting mothers through pregnancy, birth, and postpartum shines through as she guides them towards achieving their desired birth outcomes.

Creating a Supportive Birth Team

One of the key elements in preparing for an unmedicated birth is assembling a birth team that resonates with your vision. This team should be your cheerleading squad, your pillars of strength, and your source of comfort. From choosing a care provider who respects your wishes to surrounding yourself with loved ones who believe in your ability to birth naturally, every member plays a crucial role. I encourage you to have open conversations with potential team members to ensure their philosophy aligns with your birth preferences.

Defining Your Birth Preferences

Speaking of preferences, it's essential to articulate what an ideal birth looks like for you. This doesn't mean scripting every moment, but rather identifying key desires and boundaries that will guide your experience. Whether it's the atmosphere of the birthing room or the interventions you'd prefer to avoid, having a clear set of birth preferences can serve as a roadmap for you and your team.

Physical Preparation for Birth

An unmedicated birth is not only a mental and emotional endeavor but a physical one as well. I emphasize the importance of preparing your body for the marathon of birth. This can include prenatal exercises, practicing optimal fetal positioning, and understanding the mechanics of birth. By tuning into your body and nurturing its strength and flexibility, you'll be better equipped to navigate the physical demands of labor.

Mental Visualization and Mindset

The power of the mind cannot be overstated when it comes to unmedicated birth. Mental visualization techniques, such as guided imagery and positive affirmations, can be invaluable tools. They help create a mental blueprint of the birth you desire, fostering a mindset of resilience and positivity. I share tips on how to harness your inner strength and visualize a successful birth experience.

The Importance of Being Informed and Educated

Knowledge truly is power, especially when it comes to childbirth. I advocate for thorough education on the birthing process, potential interventions, and pain management techniques. Understanding the stages of labor, the role of hormones, and the body's natural coping mechanisms can demystify the experience and reduce fear. I recommend reputable sources and courses that can provide you with the information you need to make informed decisions.

Preparing for an unmedicated birth is a journey of intention, education, and support. As a mom of two and a professional doula, I've witnessed the beauty and strength of women who choose this path. Through my podcast, "Entering Motherhood," I aim to encourage and empower you to make the best choices for yourself and your family. Remember, whether you're a first-time mom or adding to your brood, you have the power to shape your birth experience. Trust in your body, your baby, and the incredible capability within you to bring life into this world.

I hope the insights from this episode inspire you to approach your birth with confidence and a sense of preparedness. For more tips, stories, and support, tune into the "Entering Motherhood" podcast. Together, let's embrace the beauty of birthing on our own terms.

Entering Motherhood Links

>> Unmedicated Birth Workbook

>> Doula Training Program

>> First Trimester Nutrition Guide

>> #1 FREE Postpartum Download

Don't miss out on our comprehensive Birth Preparation Workbook covering topics from mindset, movement, and what to expect.

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Looking to become a doula yourself and get into birthwork? Check out the Online Doula Training Program to get started on your path today.

Become certified through Postpartum University and help clients learn more about how to nourish their bodies in the postpartum period.

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In need of nursing tops and postpartum items? Kindred Bravely is the place to shop for all of your attire needs and more. 


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