Episode 11: Healing Your Postpartum Body with Food

In this episode I explain how you can begin to heal your postpartum body simply by being more aware of the type of food you fuel your body with during this time. The main components to consider when choosing meals in the postpartum period would be to have them be fully cooked, warm, contain as few ingredients as possible, and be high in protein and fats.

With more and more research being done about women in the postpartum period it makes me so eager to be on the front line of this and share all the information I'm discovering and learning about everyday. I seriously geek out about this stuff and love sharing it with y’all.

It’s important to understand that we are all different and all require a deeper understanding of how our own individual bodies are functioning and reacting to the food we consume in order to properly heal.

Listen in to learn how to get started on healing your postpartum body

Connect more with The Entering Motherhood Podcast:

Instagram: entering_motherhood and sarah_marie_bilger

Facebook: EnteringMotherhoodPodcast

Email: enteringmotherhood@gmail.com


Official Affiliates of the Podcast:

Made for Mama Shop (ENTERINGMOTHERHOOD for 15% off)

Postpartum University (Postpartum Nutrition Plan)

Hypnobabies (MOTHERHOOD20 for 20% off) 

If you’re looking to become a certified postpartum nutritional coach and have any questions please enteringmotherhood@gmail.com


Episode 12: Music Therapy in the NICU and Beyond with Megan Danelz


Episode 10: Traumatic Birth and Surrogacy with Jo Ingram